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When we have red eyes or suffer from dry eye with the discomfort that does not go beyond an itch or a bearable grit sensation, we can resort to eye drops and apply the drops ourselves. These symptoms may be because our eyes do not secrete enough tears. There is another essential factor that makes us turn to them: age. Over the years, our tears' quantity and quality decrease, so it is necessary to put these drops in our eyes. Get dry eye relief and protection with Colirio Ocusan Maximum Strenght from further eye irritation with its three moisturizers. Our incredible eye drops work like real tears to hydrate and soothe, as well as protect your eyes from further irritation. Whether your eyes are dry from air conditioning, or from spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen, or from pollution, these lubricating eye drops feature a hydrating formula for effective relief. Our eye drops will help you alleviate the irritation caused in your eyes when exposed for a long time to harmful external agents. Colirio Ocusan, lubricant eye drops, is the Fast Redness Relief for your eyes!